Paintings have their own inner logic and sometimes it's so strong, it’s a battle to make sense of

'The observed world is often the starting point for my paintings, whether it be the interplay between light and shadow in a still life set up, the relationship between an object/figure and its environment or simply the effect of one colour next to another. This usually leads to a process of inclusion and elimination as I explore the painting's possibilities, allowing the narrative or theme of the painting to emerge and for the motif to take on meaning beyond the subject’s formal structure. Paintings have their own inner logic and sometimes it's so strong, it’s a battle to make sense of. I love that about painting. You can be so close and lose it in a moment.'


Clare exhibits regularly in the UK and internationally and  has previously had work selected for The Threadneedle Prize, the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize, the ING Discerning Eye and the New English Art Club. Clare currently lives in London, where she combines her studio practice with teaching painting and drawing to adults. 


She was elected a member of The New English Art Club in 2019. The NEAC (New English Art Club) is an elected society of contemporary painters whose ethos resides in art informed by the visual world and personal interpretation.


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